Friday, May 30, 2014

Parshat Naso- Don't Drink the Wine!

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Naso it talks about a Nazir. A Nazir has to stay away from wine, vinegar, grape juice and grape products. Also a Nazir is not allowed to cut his hair. Why is a Nazir not allowed to eat grape products or cut his hair? The Nazir is supposed to look past his physical appearance and desires, so he can keep away from sin. He has to concentrate on Teshuvah and Torah thoughts. A person who takes it upon himself to become a Nazir is as Kadosh as a Kohen Gadol. If one becomes a Nazir and doesn't set a time frame its set at thirty days. If a Nazir accidentally becomes tamay during that time, the Nazir waits seven days, offers korbanot on the eighth day, and then starts the count all over again. After that period he cuts off all his hair and offers Korbanot to Hashem, his hair is burned with the Korbanot. There was a room in the Beit Hamikdash called "Lishkat Hanezirim" the room for the Nazir's. Once the Nazir finished his time he went to the room to get his hair cut off, which then was a painful experience. He would remember this for a long time.

I chose to make cupcakes with a no wine sign to represent the wine the Nazir was not allowed to drink.

Good Shabbos


1 comment:

  1. I love this! So creative! - Sarah Rabin
