In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Bamidbar, Bnei Yisroel enters a new stage of their relationship with Hashem. They have been forgiven for the Eigel Hazahav incident and the Mishkan is complete. Then they begin counting Bnei Yisroel, each male from the ages of 20-60 has to give a half a shekel. Then they are divided into three camps, The Camp of the Shechina, The camp of the Leviyim, and the camp of Machane Yisroel. At Har Sinai Bnei Yisroel watched as 22,000 chariots of Malachim accompanied the Shechina descending from the mountain. These Malachim were divided into 4 divisions and each division had a flag. Watching this heavenly army, Bnei Yisorel wished they could be the army of Hashem surrounded by the Shechina, so Hashem granted them their wish. Moshe told Bnei Yisroel that they now would be divided under four banners: The Yehuda division, which also includes Yissachar and Zevulun; the Ephraim division, which also includes Menashe and Binyamin; the Reuven division, which also includes Shimon and Gad; and the Dan division, which also includes Asher and Naftali. Each flag would have a mascot and words embroidered on it.
I chose to make flag cupcakes to represent the flags of the four divisions.
Good Shabbos
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