Friday, June 20, 2014

Parshat Korach- Flower Power

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Korach it begins with the story of Korach. Korah is Moshes first cousin, it is his job to carry the Aron. He isnt happy with his position  so her starts a rebellion. Hashem is not happy with this so he burns him with the rest of his rebellion in a fire. Meanwhile Bnei Yisroel is not convinced that only Kohanim and Levyim can serve in the Mishkan, Hashem wants to prove that only Shevet Levi can serve. He commands Moshe to take 12 dry wooden sticks and engrave the names of the 12 nesiyim on them. on Levi's stick he engraves Aharon's name on it. Moshe places them in the Kodesh Hakodoshim overnight. In the morning all the sticks remain dry except for Levi's which has blossomed with flowers and almonds and the 4 letter name of Hashem has also been engraved on it. Moshe brings the sticks to the nesiyim and they bring it to their Shevatim and Bnei Yisroel is now convinced that Shevet Levi is the one and only Shevet to serve in the Mishkan.

I chose to make cupcakes with Aharon's stick with the flowers blossoming to show the true power of Hashem.

Good Shabbos

PS. Here is an adorable picture of my niece who I get to spend Shabbos with!!

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