Friday, January 24, 2014

Parshat Mishpatim- These are the Laws!

It's been a while since I've posted, between being in the Ukraine and being sick I had to go on hiatus. But Parsha cupcakes are back! This weeks Parsha is Parshat Mishpatim. The Parsha opens with Bnei Yisroel still fascinated by the Aseret Hadibrot. Hashem teaches Moshe new laws, and these set of laws are meant to help Bnei Yisroel get along with one another and love each other. Moshe doesn't just simply teach the laws straight to Bnei Yisroel, he first teaches them to Aharon, then he teaches them to Aharons sons Elazar and Itamar while Aharon listens, next to the 70 zekainim as Aharon and his sons listens. Then finally Bnei Yisroel is assembeled and they are taught the mitzvot 4 times. First by Moshe, then by Aharon, then by Elazar and Itamar, and then by the 70 zekainim. After that its up to the zekainim to deal with the disputes that come up.

What are these laws you ask, The first set is in regard to the treatment of your Jewish servant,  Murder- the 4 types of death penalties- Skila, Sraifa, Hereg, and Chenek (stoning, burning, decaptulation, and strangulation), damaged persons, if a Jew damages another Jew, animal damages, stealing, care taking soemones property, kindness- Hashem wants us to be nice to 3 kinds of people, ger, an orphan, and a widow, The Beit Din has to have 3 judges, you cant mix milk and meat together, fruits and veggies from the vine have to be put aside for Hashem, if an animal is found torn apart in the field its treif, Shmita, Shabbat you cant do any work, Shalos Regalim.

Its a lot to take in for one Parsha. I decided to make law cupcakes with the scale to represent all the laws in this weeks Parsha.

May we all be able to do the best we can in following the laws and serving Hashem.

Good Shabbos!

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