Friday, November 29, 2013

Parshat Miketz and Thanksgivukkah

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Miketz, Yosef had been in jail for 2 years and he was finally let out. However it says how he did not run out like you would think someone who has been in jail for so long would, it says in the pasuk "vayiritzuhu min habor” they had to hurry him. Rav Hirsch explains that Yosef, after making the mistake in believing that the Sar Hamashkim would get him out of jail and then being punished for it, he realizes that everything is from Hashem. Therefore he does not run out of jail because ultimately it is the king of kings who is bringing him out of jail not Pharoh. Yosef continues to show his emunah in Hashem whenever he interprets a dream for Pharoh because he tells Pharoh, its not coming from me, its coming from Hashem and in the end Pharoh is a believer and recognizes that Yosef's success comes from Hashem.
The dreams that are specific in this Parsha are the dreams of cows and ears of grain. Pharoh dreams of 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows, and the fat cows eat the skinny cows, and the same thing with the grain. Yosef interprets it to be 7 years of abundance and 7 years of famine. The Sfat Emet talks about how those cows represented Shabbos, and how we need Shabbos to help us prepare for the 6 days after. So when Hashem gives us abundance it's not just for that moment, but also to hold on to for when that abundance is not so clear to us.
I chose to make my Parsha cupcakes this week the fat cow and the skinny cow to represent the dreams that Pharoh had. also being that it was Thanksgivukkah yesterday I made turkey and dreidel cupcakes. Turkey on the outside and dreidels hidden on the inside, just like the story of Chanukah, the Jews had to hide who they were but the true essence was what really was on the inside also we really can see in the miracle of Chanukah that everything comes from Hashem.

Shabbat Shalom!
Parshat Miketz Cupcakes

Thanksgivukkah Cupcakes

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