Friday, August 1, 2014

Parshat Devarim- Who the Judge, You the Judge!

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Devarim, Hashem tells Moshe, to gather Bnei Yisroel and review all the Mitzvot with them. The speech lasts 5 weeks, the entire Sefer Devarim which is why Sefer Devarim is called Mishne Torah. One of the things he talks about in this Parsha is finding a new judge. Moshe has been the only judge up until now for 3 million people, so he begins a search for a new judge only Tzadikim may apply. There are a bunch of rules in order to be a judge for Bnei Yisroel, and that person must abide by all of them. I chose to make gavel cupcakes to represent the picking of the new judge. May Hashem judge us all favorably and send us some peace soon!

Good Shabbos

Friday, July 25, 2014

Parshat Masei- Blueprints

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Masei, it is time for Bnei Yisroel to enter Eretz Yisroel. But first the seven Caananite nations need to be wiped out. There is no question as to why they have to be wiped out. Bnei Yisroel can not live in Eretz Yisroel together with them. So Hashems make a blueprint of the borders for the boundries of Israel so Bnei Yisroel will know where to apply the Mitzvot of Eretz Yisroel. I chose to make blueprint cupcakes to represent what Hashem showed Bnei Yisroel.

The cupcakes are also blue and white for Israel.

May we see peace very soon.

Good Shabbos

Friday, July 18, 2014

Parshat Matot- Tovel a Cupcake

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Matot we learn the Mitzvah of Tevilas Keilim. Bnei Yisroel just got back from war with the Midyan, and they have brought back all of their belongings. Clothes, jewelry, pots and pans etc. Because the pots and pans and utensils have been used for non kosher food, in order for Bnei Yisroel to use it they need to Kasher those things to make them pure. The process is simple, they have to dip the utensil into the Mikvah and say a Bracha. I chose to make toveling cupcakes to represent the Mitzvah of Tevilas Keilim.

Hashem should keep everyone in Israel safe.

Good Shabbos

Friday, July 11, 2014

Parshat Pinchas- Eliyahi Hanavi (Parshat Balak/July 4th)

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Pinchas, Pinchas is rewarded for single handedly saving Bnei Yisroel from a plague (he killed Zimri who was a nasi and a leader of his shevet but he sinned) that would have wiped out Bnei Yisroel. Hashem rewards him with a very long life.400 years later in Shoftim Pinchas is still alive and Pinchas never dies, he just changes his name to Eliyahu Hanavi and he will be the redeemer of Bnei Yisroel when Mashiach comes and he will blow the shofar that will let us all know Mashiach is here. I chose to make shofar cupcakes to speed the coming of Mashiach.

May this shabbos be calm and safe in Israel and may the coming of Mashiach come quick.

Good Shabbos

Last weeks Parsha was Parshat Balak. We learned about Balak and Bilaam. Hashem sent a talking donkey to stop Bilaam from curing Bnei Yisroel. I chose to make donkey cupcakes in the colors of the American flag for July 4th!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Parshat Chukat- Holy Cow!

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Chukat, we learn about the Parah Adumah (red cow). After the rebellion of Korah in last weeks Parsha, Hashem rewards the winners (Shevet Levi) with a present. However only pure Kohanim can partake in this gift. What if a Kohein or any person touches a dead person and becomes tamay, how does one become pure again? Enter the Parah Adumah. Hashem says that any tamay person can not enter the house of the Shechinah for seven days. On the third and seventh day a Kohain has to sprinkle the tamay with ashes from a Parah Adumah.Why a Parah Adumah? That is Hashems secret. A mitzvah that has no explanation is called a Chok. These mitzvot may not make sense to us but have a great meaning to Hashem. We keep these Mitzvot purely for our love for Hashem.

I chose to make Parah Adumah cupcakes to remind us how we always blindly trust Hashem and he always knows what is best for us.

Good Shabbos

Friday, June 20, 2014

Parshat Korach- Flower Power

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Korach it begins with the story of Korach. Korah is Moshes first cousin, it is his job to carry the Aron. He isnt happy with his position  so her starts a rebellion. Hashem is not happy with this so he burns him with the rest of his rebellion in a fire. Meanwhile Bnei Yisroel is not convinced that only Kohanim and Levyim can serve in the Mishkan, Hashem wants to prove that only Shevet Levi can serve. He commands Moshe to take 12 dry wooden sticks and engrave the names of the 12 nesiyim on them. on Levi's stick he engraves Aharon's name on it. Moshe places them in the Kodesh Hakodoshim overnight. In the morning all the sticks remain dry except for Levi's which has blossomed with flowers and almonds and the 4 letter name of Hashem has also been engraved on it. Moshe brings the sticks to the nesiyim and they bring it to their Shevatim and Bnei Yisroel is now convinced that Shevet Levi is the one and only Shevet to serve in the Mishkan.

I chose to make cupcakes with Aharon's stick with the flowers blossoming to show the true power of Hashem.

Good Shabbos

PS. Here is an adorable picture of my niece who I get to spend Shabbos with!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Parshat Shelach- I Spy

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Shelach, Hashem was preparing Bnei Yisroel to enter into Eretz Yisroel. Bnei Yisroel didn't trust to go in right away so they asked Moshe to send in Miraglim to check out the land. Hashem was not happy with this but allowed them to go. They went into spy on the land and did not come back with a wonderful report that Moshe hoped for. They spoke loshen hara about the land and Bnei Yisroel was sent back into the dessert for 40 years. I chose to make Miraglim cupcakes with a magnifying glass to represent the Miraglim that went into spy the land. Its a reminder for us to not speak  loshon hara, and to watch what we say.

Good Shabbos