In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Metzorah, we continue to talk about tzarat. Most often the tzarat is caused by loshon hara. The Parsha speaks about the tzarat that was found in a home. If a house in Eretz Yisroel had a red or a green spot, they had to call the Kohain. The Kohain first orders the owner of the house to clean out his entire house before he has to look at it, otherwise everything would become tamay. This is part of the punishment for the owner because now everyone will see what they had hidden in their house. If the owner is smart he will realize this is his chance to do Teshuva and if he chooses to do so Hashem could make the tzarat lighter before the Kohain comes to check. If the spots are still there, the Kohain will come and check. He will lock up the house for seven days. If after seven days the spots are gone or are lighter the Kohain will declare the house pure. If the spots are bigger, the Kohain orders the owner to chop off the bricks with the tzarat and put in new bricks. Then the house will be closed off for another week. If the tzarat returns again, the Kohain declares the house to be demolished. If the Tzarat is gone the house goes through the same purifying ritual as a person.
I chose to make cupcakes with a house and a stop sign on it to remind us how bad the punishment was but there was a chance to turn it around. The word for tzarat on the house is nego, which means affliction, if you rearrange the letters you get the word oneg which means pleasure, this is because any affliction in our lives can become a great source of pleasure. Everything Hashem does for us is in our best interest, sometimes its more clear and other times its not as clear. May Hashem give us what we need and may everything be clear for us!
Good Shabbos