Friday, March 28, 2014

Parshat Tazria- Snip Snip

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Tazria, the parsha begins with the Mitzvah of Brit Milah. On the 8th day after a boy is born he is circumcised. The bris represents the contract between Hashem and Avraham that was mentioned in Sefer Breishit. Every Jewish male is circumcised from the time of Avraham. And now the mitzvah is repeated. I chose to make red frosted cupcakes with scissors, to represent the Bris that every Jewish boy has. The red frosting represents the red wine (or the blood ;)

Good Shabbos

Friday, March 21, 2014

Parshat Shemini- Parshat Parah- What Makes a Kosher Fish

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Shemini begins with Nadav and Avihu, they decide that they want to be closer to Hashem so they want to bring an incense offering, but they go about it the wrong way and Hashem is not happy and shoots them down with a heavenly fire. The nest part of the Parsha is about Kashrus. Hashem commands Bnei Yisroel to be holy people. To do that they have to only eat kosher animals, birds, and fish. Hashem shows Moshe all the animals that ever existed so he can teach Bnei Yisroel what is kosher. I chose to make fish with scales cupcakes to represent the kosher fish Bnei Yisroel can eat. A fish with fins and scales is a kosher fish.

May we all benefit from the wonderful kosher food Hashem has provided us with.

Thank you to my apprentice Ilana for helping me decorate my cupcakes this week

Good Shabbos

Friday, March 14, 2014

Parshat Tzav/ Parshat Zachor and.. Purim!

In this weeks Parshat, Parshat Tzav every morning in the Mishkan the Kohain starts with the Korban Olah, and each morning there is a lottery for who can perform the first mitzvah, the winner performs the terumat hadashen (taking a portion of the ashes). For this reason I decided to make lotto cupcakes to represent the mad rush of Jews running to be the first person of the day to perform the mitzvah (that's why Hashem recommend a lottery system.. look closely it says LOTTO).

This week we will also read Parshat Zachor- to remember Amalek. What is the connection between Amalek and Purim? Haman who was the bad guy in the Purim story was a descendant of Agag, who was the king of Amalek in the time of King Shaul. That is why we read Parshat Zachor before Purim so we can erase the memory of Amalek  ("Remember- do not forget"), and being that Purim comes right after, the word VeNahafoch Hu represents the day. Therefore I made chocolate and peanut butter cupcakes for the VeNahafoch Hu concept, and for the hidden chocolate and peanut butter chips on the inside - Hester like Esther, hidden miracles!

May we all have a Purim filled with happiness and simcha and may we be able to see all the hidden miracles  and run to do many mitzvot!

Also a special shout out to my mom, today is her birthday!!

Good Shabbos and Freilichin Purim!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Parshat Vayikra- Fly on the Wings of a Dove

In this weeks Parsha, Parshat Vakyikra we are introduced to 5 types of Korbanot. Olah, Korban Mincha, Korban Shlamim, Korban Chatat, Korban Asham. There are 3 types of  unblemished, kosher and domestic animals and 2 types of birds that can be used for Korbanot. Ox, sheep, goat, mature turtle doves, and young doves.

I chose to make turtle dove cupcakes this week to represent one of the kosher bird to give as a korban to remind us of the greatness of our Avot. May we all follow in the footsteps of our avot and emahot.

Good Shabbos